Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lighten up

OK that was some heavy stuff, now that I carried it around a little it is time to throw it away and lighten up. Why not peruse the internet and look for jokes? OK Rog, you do that, and stop talking to yourself. But I am the only one that will listen. So go ahead and entertain yourself. Well I think I will…

I like escalators, 'cause an escalator can never break. It can only become stairs.

I don’t know man, that didn’t quite hit the funny bone. Dam (misspelled on purpose) you copy and paste text change.

I never got a hole in one -- but I did hit a guy, and that's way more satisfying. You're supposed to yell 'Fore,' but I was too busy mumbling 'There ain't no way that's gonna hit him.'

I like that one… there is a special place in my heart in one for golf jokes. You gonna let that comment live in print Rog? Why not, bad jokes need attention too.

I want to do another reality show based on 'The Mole,' but it's really about STDs -- sexually transmitted diseases -- and it's called, 'God, I Hope That's a Mole.'


Isn't it strange -- when you're single, all you see is couples, and when you're part of a couple, all you see are hookers.

I'm in terrible shape. Oh my God, I need a nap after I fart.

Sounds like somebody is stealing jokes from my brother again.

I learned nothing in college. It was really kind of my own fault. I had a double major: psychology and reverse psychology.

Oh, a smart joke huh? Nobody likes a smart joke.

Republican spin: Obama says he's bringing 10,000 troops home. The Republicans are calling it a "failed jobs program."

I know I am getting old when I start to like political economy jokes. I must be tired. Step away from the keyboard Rog.


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