Saturday, September 24, 2011


Irreverence- 1. Lack of reverence or due respect.
Reverence-1. A feeling of profound awe and respect and often love; veneration. See Synonyms at honor.
2. An act showing respect, especially a bow or curtsy.
3. The state of being revered.

Veneration-1. The act of venerating.
2. Profound respect or reverence.

Honor- 1. High respect, as that shown for special merit; esteem: the honor shown to a Nobel laureate.

Good name; reputation.
b. A source or cause of credit: was an honor to the profession.
Glory or recognition; distinction.
b. A mark, token, or gesture of respect or distinction: the place of honor at the table.
c. A military decoration.
d. A title conferred for achievement.
4. High rank.
5. The dignity accorded to position: awed by the honor of his office.
6. Great privilege: I have the honor to present the governor.
7. Honor Used with His, Her, or Your as a title and form of address for certain officials, such as judges and mayors: Her Honor the Mayor.
Principled uprightness of character; personal integrity.
b. A code of integrity, dignity, and pride, chiefly among men, that was maintained in some societies, as in feudal Europe, by force of arms.
c. A woman's chastity or reputation for chastity.
9. honors Social courtesies offered to guests: did the honors at tea.
10. honorsa.
Special recognition for unusual academic achievement: graduated from college with honors.
b. A program of advanced study for exceptional students: planned to take honors in history.
11. Sports The right of being first at the tee in golf.
12. Games
a. Any of the four or five highest cards, especially the ace, king, queen, jack, and ten of the trump suit, in card games such as bridge or whist.
b. The points allotted to these cards. Often used in the plural.

Confusion- 1. the act of confusing or the state of being confused
2. disorder; jumble
3. bewilderment; perplexity
4. lack of clarity; indistinctness
5. embarrassment; abashment
6. Roger has it.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011


On the one week anniversary of valentines day 2011 Chester Cheetah tried to kill me. It was a cloudy wet murky day in the orange city of phoenix. After a hard Friday of work some of the HPD crew decided to play cards, drink some beer, and have some dinner at the Extended Stay. The party consisted of HPD participants James (Boss, host, and chef), Wayne (Crazy deaf internet Casanova), later on Jeff (Owner of HPD), and me-Roger (Stud and Hero; because I said so, OK). I indulged myself; too much dinner (It was good), too much beer (It was Sol; Awesome). After a while of playing cards on the ironing board we broke out the snack foods one of them being Flamin’ Hot Cheetos which I had tried a couple weeks before and thought they were purty (speeled rong on porpoise spell check) good. The taste of the Sol and Cheetos together was awesome, the combination reminded me of Doritos and Pot (It is fiction mom). As I was jamming red hot dry spicy powdered snacks and sol down my beer hole I started to have difficulty breathing and started coughing and gasping for air, I was desperate for fresh sweet cool air but instead kept getting dry irritatingly hot dust stuck in my throat and I thought this might be it; retard killed by snack food. Thankfully the only consequence was a red face, moist eyes, a desire for more sol, and embarrassment. We continued playing cards and had a great time and then called it a night with the cheeto incident forgotten by all including myself. I went back to my room on the other side of the Extended Stay. Wound down and fell asleep on my stomach. At 2 in the morning Chester showed up in the form of a monster burp that blew red dust into my mouth from behind and woke the sh!+ out of me. Not literally, more like all the air out of me, not actual sh!+. I went to the bathroom…sink and started hand feeding my mouth water and trying to desperately get some air in there. After a couple minutes Chesters’ grip relaxed and I was relieved to survive round 2. On reflection I will never let Old Chester put his dust in my throat again, and hopefully that will be the closest I ever come to snack food asphyxiation. Where‘s the love snack food? That could have been an awkward pearly gate orientation interview. Not the end (Whew!).

Monday, September 19, 2011

FB post 919; Something I told my kids that I now realize could be less than 100% true

When I was a teenager I preferred the company of real people instead of electronic devices. I miss you walkman! You made my ears go gay for your sweet whispers. If you are out there in the facebook world call me
. My # is 1800-sofullofit. Really (smiley face).

Sunday, September 18, 2011

FB post 918

Some financial advice; adventure stays in the memory bank.

Lighten up

OK that was some heavy stuff, now that I carried it around a little it is time to throw it away and lighten up. Why not peruse the internet and look for jokes? OK Rog, you do that, and stop talking to yourself. But I am the only one that will listen. So go ahead and entertain yourself. Well I think I will…

I like escalators, 'cause an escalator can never break. It can only become stairs.

I don’t know man, that didn’t quite hit the funny bone. Dam (misspelled on purpose) you copy and paste text change.

I never got a hole in one -- but I did hit a guy, and that's way more satisfying. You're supposed to yell 'Fore,' but I was too busy mumbling 'There ain't no way that's gonna hit him.'

I like that one… there is a special place in my heart in one for golf jokes. You gonna let that comment live in print Rog? Why not, bad jokes need attention too.

I want to do another reality show based on 'The Mole,' but it's really about STDs -- sexually transmitted diseases -- and it's called, 'God, I Hope That's a Mole.'


Isn't it strange -- when you're single, all you see is couples, and when you're part of a couple, all you see are hookers.

I'm in terrible shape. Oh my God, I need a nap after I fart.

Sounds like somebody is stealing jokes from my brother again.

I learned nothing in college. It was really kind of my own fault. I had a double major: psychology and reverse psychology.

Oh, a smart joke huh? Nobody likes a smart joke.

Republican spin: Obama says he's bringing 10,000 troops home. The Republicans are calling it a "failed jobs program."

I know I am getting old when I start to like political economy jokes. I must be tired. Step away from the keyboard Rog.


Saturday, September 17, 2011


Kind of a strange past few days, with a lot of intense thoughts. A topic that has been on my mind has been the relationship that each one of has with violence, like the weather (Again, the weather metaphor?) it is always there. The back-story that brought these thoughts to the surface came from where I work. I work at High Purity Draw in Phoenix, AZ, it is a Computer Assisted Drafting services company to High tech contractors. (HUH?, exactly). Well we have 2 interns that have worked there for about 6 weeks, in the beginning I trained and orientated them to what we do (Not easy). One of them, I will call him H has had some CAD experience in the Architectural field. So over the weeks I processed information about him that I was given. He is very quiet and laid back, has a girlfriend, been unemployed for about 6 months but before that had worked with another co-worker of ours, grew up in or around L.A. He left L.A. to pursue a better life in Phoenix. Other info I received from him was that he lived in the avenues, my first thought was dangerous. Phoenix has Central Avenue that is just north of downtown and centrally located (Meant to be funny, sometimes funny is hard to convey in print). On the west side of Central is the avenues, and on the east side are the streets. Just like any city there are separations of race and class ( I use the word class, but the choice seems so wrong (It‘s an oxymoron (Look it up))). Well to break it down simply, if you go into the avenues you are risking your life. There are parts of the streets that are dangerous but just do not have the street cred of the avenues. (That sentence was fun to write, read it over and you might see what I mean). The interns were working part time in the beginning and there was a day that H wanted to be off at 4 because he had a shooting time at the range. It did not really sink in because in a way I come from an environment where firearms are common. I have a face book friend that I went to high school with and he is always posting pics of his grouping on range targets. So when H showed me pics of range targets on his phone it seemed like a normal part of the work day. Days are full of information, but does the information really lead to any truth? There I go again asking life questions. I now find it fascinating that firearms have been present in my life, yet I choose not to participate or interact with them at all. Heck my brother can watch an action movie and probably tell you what every gun is in the movie. I wonder if he has ever thought about that? Back to H, a couple of weeks ago I found out that he had been a victim of a house invasion, I will save you the details but he was even tied up (How many of you out there can say that you have been tied up by force and lived to tell about it?) If it happened to me I would be traumatized. I mean I have dodged my share of bullets like Keanu Reeves in the Matrix, and yes I have added my own personal brand of drama to this sentence, but I might be more pissed at the world if I went through that experience.

A couple days ago (Thurs) a detective called work and said that H was a witness being questioned and would not be to work. Throughout the day there was speculation and rumor. One opinion was that we would not see H again.

This is an article from the AZ Republic.

Phoenix man killed during home invasion

by Catherine Crook - Sept. 15, 2011 03:20 PM
The Arizona Republic-12 News Breaking News Team

A man was found shot to death in his home early Thursday while two children were in the home, according to the Phoenix Police Department.

Phoenix police officers responded to a report of an armed burglary near 83rd Avenue and Camelback Road about 4:19 a.m. Thursday.

Two men kicked open the door of the home, according to the Phoenix Police Department. Gunshots were heard shortly after they broke in. The homeowner was found mortally wounded in the back bedroom, according to the Phoenix Police Department.

At the time of the shooting, there were six people inside the home. Two of those people were children between 4 and 6 years old. There was also a man and two women in the home, according to Phoenix police.

Police believe that there were possibly three adult suspects.

Detectives are investigating the shooting. Police encourage anyone with information on this shooting to call the Phoenix Violent Crimes Bureau at (602) 262-6141 or Silent Witness at (480) WITNESS, (480) TESTIGO for Spanish.

I also saw a news report on the incident, and one detail that the news woman added was the heavy smell of marijuana from the house.

H came into work Friday morning. Again he was quiet, soft spoken, calm, and told us that the door of his house was kicked in and three men (If you got to know, one white, one black, and one latino) entered, one restrained him with a gun to his head while the other two went into his roommates room and shot him in the head before he could shoot back. The men took money and ran off. For some reason H put his gun in a drawer instead of having it under his pillow like normal. When he saw his roommate it was obvious he had checked out. He spent most of the day in a t-shirt and shorts with law enforcement, later in the day he was allowed to get some of his stuff and took it to a friends. H expressed his thankfulness of having a job, being alive, and told us that he did not do drugs.

Again, a lot of thoughts and questions have been flowing to my mind and heart. A therapist once told me that I was a suspicious person, and I know that I have taken a lot of negativity and pain from those suspicions. There are so many lessons in these events that I find it challenging to communicate them. I can turn all the negativity, suspicions, dark energy, etc. into positive energy in the form of questions and answers. Are you a villain or a hero? Are the answers you supply as important as answers in a Mad Lib?(Huh?) Where do I stand on a lot of these topics? Racism-Against it. Media-no matter the information everybody will create their own truth. Guns-instruments that people use for gain. Drugs-As my dad always said “They are poison”. Choice- totally for it. Fate- sometimes looks like choice.  H- good guy.  Class- fragile. People- be nice. Judgment- reserve it. Life-will go on.  Violence- it is real, we have seen it.

How will I end this string of thought- I will step away from the keyboard for a while.